
Cornering Motorcycle Traction Control, or Cornering MTC for short, uses two different controllers to keep things in check. The most obvious of which is a wheelslip controller which regulates the amount of spin or break in traction at the rear wheel. A pitch angle controller identifies and regulates abrupt changes in front wheel lift. Each of these controllers work with individual strategies to ensure a seamless «behind-the-scenes» safety net. While the safety benefits are obvious, this also results in improved straight-line acceleration. Cornering MTC also works when lean angles get tested, reacting immediately if the rotational speed of the rear wheel is disproportionate to the riding situation. Cornering MTC reduces the engine output with an extremely smooth, barely noticeable intervention at the throttle valves, reducing slippage to optimum levels for the selected ride mode and lean angle. Depending on the selected riding mode, Cornering MTC allows different levels of traction slip at the rear wheel. And of course, Cornering MTC can be switched off completely for the full READY TO RACE experience.

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